Frequently Asked Questions

The age of youth at either Wilder or Mt. View-Hardware Secure range from 14 to 19. Placement into a secure facility may be appropriate if one or more of the following criteria are met:

a) The youth was adjudicated for a violent or attempted violent offense for which he has not received treatment;

b) The youth has two or more felony offense adjudications on his record, one of which must be a violent offense or crime against a person;

c) The youth is 18 years old or within 90 days of his 18th birthday; or

d) The youth has a history of adjudicated delinquent offenses and is currently determinately committed

Upon arrival at Wilder YDC your child is in the Classification period; during which time youth receive an intake screening and health orientation, an inventory of personal property, issue of state clothing and a room assignment. All youth will have a medical and dental screening within seven (7) days. As soon as youth arrive at the YDC, they begin school.

Youth receive an orientation to facility rules along with a hard copy of the “Youth Handbook”, available in English and Spanish that provides the youth with information about the: